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Grigori Grabovoi “Introductory Course on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi”. Lessons 1-10

Date: April 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2020.
Time 20:00 CEST (21:00 Moscow time)
Webinar Presenter: Alla Lysak
From: Russian into: English
Webinar interpreter: Irina Mokrushina
Webinar type: Elective

Base price for variant: 350,00 €
Sales price: 350,00 €
Sales price without tax: 350,00 €
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Title of Webinar source:

The Work of Grigori Grabovoi: «Introductory Course on the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi».

Grigori Grabovoi created the present Work in 2001-2018.

The Section of Grigori Grabovoi's Teachings: Education


Lesson 1 - 6.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

  1. Documentary Justification of the Teaching.
  2. The theoretical justification for the Teaching. The development of controlling clairvoyance to ensure eternal life by the Soul."
  3. Patent protection of the Teaching.
  4. Legal justification for the dissemination of the Teaching.
  5. Practical justification for the Teaching by the author's results.
  6. Practical justification for the Teaching by the results of the students.
  7. Positive feedback about the Teaching from the famous people.
  8. The comments of the scientists and specialists in the similar fields about the positive features of the Teaching.

II. About the Author of the Teaching on Salvation and Harmonious Development.


Lesson 2 - 7.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 


  1. Documentary Justification of the Teaching.
  2. The theoretical justification for the Teaching. The development of controlling clairvoyance to ensure eternal life by the Soul."
  3. Patent protection of the Teaching.
  4. Legal justification for the dissemination of the Teaching.
  5. Practical justification for the Teaching by the author's results.
  6. Practical justification for the Teaching by the results of the students.
  7. Positive feedback about the Teaching from the famous people.
  8. The comments of the scientists and specialists in the similar fields about the positive features of the Teaching.

II. About the Author of the Teaching on Salvation and Harmonious Development.


Lesson 3 - 8.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. Grigori Grabovoi 's Teaching "On Salvation and Harmonious Development" is a mono Teaching, the only author of the Teaching is Grigori Grabovoi.

1.1. The knowledge given in the works of Grigori Grabovoi has the applicable nature, aimed at achieving eternal life by everyone.

1.2. The main tasks of the Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching "On Salvation and Harmonious Development": macro-salvation, resurrection, non-dying of the living, providing the conditions for the eternal systemic harmonious development of all the objects of reality according to the Creator's tasks.

1.3. The relevance of the Grigori Grabovoi's technologies is in the need to teach all these technologies.

1.4. The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi would obligatorily fulfill its tasks, as it is in the future from the Creator, and because the Teaching does not contradict and contributes to the creative directions of the development of the world community.

1.5. The main method of achieving the goal of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is to teach all the technologies of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.


Lesson 4 - 9.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. Grigori Grabovoi 's Teaching "On Salvation and Harmonious Development" is a mono Teaching, the only author of the Teaching is Grigori Grabovoi (continued):

1.6. The means to achieve the goal of the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is the own consciousness of every person, through which the events are controlled in accordance with the Creator's task of eternal development.

1.7. The morality of The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is that everyone obtains true freedom from the Creator to be able to participate in any event.

1.8. The necessity to extend the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi to all is that for universal salvation and eternal harmonious development, the personal creative participation of everyone in the events of the world according to the laws of the Creator is needed.

1.9. Grigori Grabovoi's books give each person the opportunity to develop his spiritual level very quickly through logical knowledge.

1.10. The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi is outlined in his scientific works, author's lectures and seminars, books, articles, interviews, conferences and other materials, including the author's texts and speech by Grigori Grabovoi.

1.11. The Teaching is implemented, proven and protected scientifically, theoretically, legally, practically.


Lesson 5 - 10.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: Lesson 5.

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. List of fundamental concepts.

2.1. God.

2.2. Man.

2.3. Reality.

2.4. The Soul of man.

2.5. The Spirit of man.

2.6. Human Consciousness.

2.7. Perception.


Lesson 6 - 11.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. List of fundamental concepts


2.8. Collective consciousness.

2.9. Physical body of man.

2.10. Intelligence.

2.11. Concentration of Consciousness.

2.12. Physical reality and spiritual reality.

2.13. Reality control.

2.14. The methods of reality control through the concentration of Consciousness (attention).


Lesson 7 - 12.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. The mechanism of building physical reality and physical reality control.

3.1. Physical reality as a projection of collective consciousness due to one of the parameters.

3.2. The creation of human body and the whole physical reality by the Soul.

3.3. Every event has the action of God.

3.4. Consciousness, as a structure, that allows the Soul to control body.

3.5. Any event can be converted into a favorable event.

3.6. Classification of evil by the lack of knowledge.

3.7. Any human action creates light in the information.

3.8. What a person thinks about, what he says, and what he does, has the nature of eternity.


Lesson 8 - 13.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. The mechanism of building physical reality and physical reality control


3.9. The events of the present are created by the light of the past and future events.

3.10. Love organizes an action, that ensures the creation of the outside world.

3.11. Ensuring a high level of safety through the cognition of God's actions.

3.12. Confession of the principle "don't destroy, don't kill."

3.13. Freedom of will.

3.14. Learn to act like the Creator.

3.15. God always transfers knowledge to man at the level of the information offer.

3.16. It is necessary to learn to bypass the infor-mation of the absence of norm, even in thinking.

3.17. What is the difference between the God's action and the action of man, and how quickly will you learn how to act like that?


Lesson 9 - 14.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. The technologies of the Teaching allow to change the events of a particular person's life, including the events, which relate to the develop-ment of the entire civilization in the creative direction through the development of human Consciousness. The concept of “events” also refers to the process of restoring human health.

4.1. The Mechanism of action of the technologies by Grigori Grabovoi is a normalizing biosignal in human Consciousness, described in the Patents for the invention of the "Information Carrying System" and the "Method for Prevention of Catastrophes and Device for its Realization.”

4.2. All the technologies of Grigori Grabovoi have been tested in practice, they are safe and creative. You can learn to control reality at any age. Knowledge is transmitted, because it is based on the common laws of thinking.

4.3. Reality control technology through understanding: " Understanding is already more than control."

4.4. The technologies for the concentration of attention allow to solve two tasks at the same time.

4.5. Grigori Grabovoi's Teaching "On Salvation and Harmonious Development" is a system of knowledge, that allows us to adjust Consciousness through thinking and achieve spiritual development, which allows to carry out control of events creatively and harmoniously.

4.6. The concentrations on numbers, shapes, color, words, phrases, sound, the objects of the external environment, on the physical body of man.


Lesson 10 - 15.04.2020.

Optional webinar plan: 

III. Introductory course to the program "Teaching the Teachings of Gregory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”".

  1. Workshops.

5.1. Concentrations according to the technologies by Grigori Grabovoi

5.2. “Unpacking” of the technologies described in the writings of Grigori Grabovoi.

5.3. The rate of health information development must be higher than the rate of development of the disease information.

5.4. What does the speed of getting results, when using the technologies of Grigori Grabovoi to control events, depend on?

5.5. Technologies, that develop controlling clairvoyance.


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